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Get Well and Stay Well at Boyer Chiropractic

We are located in downtown Lewiston, Idaho. Our staff is very professional and always has a kind smile to welcome you. At Dr. Boyer’s office we come to work every day because we want to help those who have chronic or circumstantial pain feel better.

At Boyer Chiropractic, we don’t give our patients the same exact care plan. Your care will be very specific, focused and individualized to your needs. We’ll always keep you in the loop and do what is best for you and your health.

Please explore our site and get to know us. We’d love to answer your questions and talk to you about how chiropractic care can make a difference in your life. Give us a call today and let’s get started.

Our Chiropractic Services

We proudly offer the below services to help patients deal with their pain.

Chiropractic Manipulation

Chiropractic manipulation is where a specialist uses their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to the spine with the goal to correct alignment and improve physical function.

Electrical stimulation/ Heat

The treatment uses electrical current to create thermal, physiologic, and chemical responses in order to alter pain impulses.

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy uses wavelengths of light to treat damaged cells and stimulate inter-cellular activity to reduce pain  and speeds recovery of the damaged cells.

Grastron (Blading):

Graston is a form of manual therapy that uses instruments to scrape the skin gently and alleviate pain.

Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy

PEMFT uses an electromagnetic field to heal non-union fractures and depression in the body and has been FDA approved since 2007.

Hyperbaric chamber

A hyperbaric chamber allows blood cells to become saturated with oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen cells carried off through the bloodstream.


Save time and money by using our in-house x-ray machines to diagnose your ailments.


Many foot conditions contribute to back pain, and orthotics are an effective way to make chiropractic adjustments long-lasting.

idaho chiro appointment

Please Make an Appointment Before Coming In

Dr. Boyer is the Premiere Chiropractor in the Lewiston area.

Chiropractic Patient Testimonials

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